Feedback panel Join our Feedback panel

Zywave Feedback panel FAQ

About us

What is the Zywave Feedback panel?

Our Feedback Panel program is the best way to the inside track at Zywave, and your chance to influence our products. By opting in to become a member, you will join an exclusive group of Zywave users and get invited by our UX Researchers to unique feedback opportunities, including early access to new features in beta.

I have more questions, how do I contact a UX Researcher?

Email us at [email protected] and someone from our team will be in touch with you!

Signing up

Who can join the Zywave Feedback Panel?

Anyone from any job level can join. We want feedback from all experience levels across every job type. There is also no limit to the number of representatives that can join the Panel from each company.

Why should I join the Zywave Feedback Panel?

You’ll get the opportunity to connect directly with members of our Product Teams and you can help shape the tools that you and your team use every day just by sharing your thoughts and ideas.

I don’t live close to a Zywave office, can I still sign up?

Absolutely. Zywave regularly conducts remote research via computers and mobile devices. We want to hear from as many people as we can.

How soon will you contact me?

We want to make sure that the studies you participate in are a good fit for you. It may not be right away because we will be waiting for a study that’s a good match. We may contact you at any point as long as you remain registered.

How do I sign up?

Click on the “Join our Feedback panel” button at the top of the page, or just simply follow this link and fill out the form.

Can my co-workers sign up too?

Sure! Just share this web page with them and ask them to fill out the form. We don’t limit the number of members from one company, also anyone from any job level can join.

I signed up, but I’ve decided I don’t want to participate. How do I opt out?

You can opt out at any time by completing the opt-out form.

If I sign up, will you send me spam or sell my information to other companies?

No. All the information you provide is kept confidential. We only use it to help us find suitable participants for our research studies. We would only contact you if we wanted to invite you to participate in a study or needed to clarify some information you provided.

Participating in a study

What exactly will I be doing in these studies?

Here’s a quick breakdown of the different types of studies and how they work.

1-1 video calls

Think of it as an informal conversation about your experience using a Zywave product with the team that is building it! In these studies, we’ll sometimes gather your feedback via a screen-sharing session with a researcher, product managers, and engineers who are building the Zywave products.

Remote usability study

In these studies, we’ll gather your feedback via a screen-sharing session with a researcher or a website where you can try something out on your own. You’ll need to have a high-speed internet connection.


For these studies, we’ll simply send you a survey form to fill out

Beta testing

You will get early access to new features before anyone else, while being able to provide feedback on how to shape its future!

How do I join studies?

Expect to see study invitations directly in your inbox! Regardless of which kind of study you get invited to, you will have all the step-by-step details in the invitation.

How long does a typical study take?

Live calls usually take about 30-60 minutes during normal business hours, depending on your availability!

However, if you are not able to dedicate that amount of time you can always just stick to more small commitment studies, like taking surveys which usually don’t last longer than 2-3 minutes.

What happens to my feedback?

Your feedback is crucial for our Product Team to make the right decisions! Your insights get discussed with the product managers and engineers who are building the Zywave products that you use every day, thus guiding our roadmap.